In keeping up with the demands for quality service delivery, the Apayao State College, through the Office of the Planning and Management Information System (MIS), conducted the Civil Society Organization Consultative Meetings both Luna and Conner Campus last January 23-24, 2023, held at the 4th Floor Auditorium, RDE Building, Luna Campus and at the Old Administration Building of Conner (Main) Campus respectively.

The Consultative Meetings were attended by participants from the following CSOs of Luna (CIAI-SI, ASCAFA, BARANGAY LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (BLGU), SMART APAYAO, LAOPA, WOFAP, LMRIC, and KALIPI) and Conner (TIFA, DEPED, KIFA, SAPAT, STUDENT LEADERS, BANKO MONTAÑOSA INC. RIMALIPAD NABA MPC, and SMART APAYAO) municipalities.

The program officially started with a warm welcome and a message by the College President, Dr. John N. Cabansag. In his statement, he mentioned the importance of the meeting where the College is promoting the pillars of good governance: transparency, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness. Equally important in his message was the presentation of the development plans as the basis for the participants to raise their concerns, inputs, and recommendations to be incorporated in the budget plan. Lastly, he looked forward to a fruitful meeting with the participants.

The consultation had the following objectives: to present the development plans of the College and capture the needs and demands of participants vi-a-vis projects, activities and programs of the College.

After the development plans of Academics, Research & Development and Extension, Infrastructure and Development, and General Administration and Support Services (GASS) were presented, an open forum was held wherein CSOs’ participants raised their concerns on capacity building/trainings, replication of extension programs, studies that are related on agroforestry crops, and agro-ecological tourisms. They also conveyed their gratitude to the College’s continuous support to their organizations. The said consultation served as an avenue to capture all the recommendations of CSO to be incorporated into the 2024 budget proposal for the following sectors: Instruction., Infrastructure and Development, Research & Development and Extension Services, and General Administration and Support Services.

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